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In partnership with UCLA's Fielding School of Public Health and support from the Institute of American Cultures

COVID-19 コロナウイルス կորոնավիրուս 코로나 바이러스 कोरोनावाइरस


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44 Resource(s) for:
Topics: All Topics
Language: Arabic | العربية

PDF file of resource titled: . COVID-19 Scams and Fraud الغش واالحتيال فيCOVID-19
COVID-19 Scams and Fraud
Document detailing how to detect fraud related to COVID-19 testing scams, contact tracing scams, fake miracle treatments, etc.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Los Angeles County (CA) Department of Public Health

PDF file of resource titled: . How does contact tracing work? كيف يعمل نظام تتبع االتصال
How does contact tracing work?
One-page factsheet explaining steps of contact tracing and how individuals can do their part to help prevent the spread.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Department of Public Health - County of Los Angeles

PDF file of resource titled: . COVID-19 Scams and Fraud الغش واالحتيال فيCOVID-19
COVID-19 Scams and Fraud
Document detailing how to detect fraud related to COVID-19 testing scams, contact tracing scams, fake miracle treatments, etc.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Department of Public Health - County of Los Angeles

PDF file of resource titled: . Steps for Handwashing خطوات غسل الأیدي
Steps for Handwashing
Safety guidelines on the best practice and the proper technique for washing hands.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Department of Public Health - County of Los Angeles

PDF file of resource titled: . Public Transportation Riders – Protect Yourself and Others from Novel Coronavirus ركاب وسائل النقل العام
Public Transportation Riders – Protect Yourself and Others from Novel Coronavirus
Safety guidelines for those using public transportation in LA County.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Department of Public Health - County of Los Angeles

PDF file of resource titled: . COVID-19 for 13-18 year olds للأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 13 و 18 عامًا COVID-19
COVID-19 for 13-18 year olds
Guide to help 13-18 year olds understand important information about COVID-19.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: Materials for Children
Source: COVID-19 Health Literacy Project in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing

Video clip of resource titled: . Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control والوقاية والاستجابة والمكافحةفيروسات الجهاز التنفسي المستجدة، بما فيها مرض فيروس كورونا – 2019 ( كوفيد – 19 ): طرق الكشف
Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control
Embedded video details the science of COVID-19, and the methods for detection, prevention, response and control of the disease. *This information is a part of the free course on COVID-19 available by enrollment.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: Quick Facts
Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

Website link of resource titled: . New Corona Virus or questions and answers about infection prevention and control for health care workers delivering care to patients with suspected or confirmed infection فيروس كورونا المستجد أوأسئلة وأجوبة بشأن الوقاية من العدوى ومكافحتها للعاملين في ‏مجال الرعاية الصحية الذين يقدمون الرعاية إلى المرضى الذين ‏يُشتبه في إصابتهم بعدوى الذين ‏تأكدت إصابتهم بها
New Corona Virus or questions and answers about infection prevention and control for health care workers delivering care to patients with suspected or confirmed infection
Information about infection prevention and control for health care workers.
[View Arabic | العربية Version] 
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

PDF file of resource titled: . Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students محاربة التمييز ضد الطلاب الأمريكيين الأمريكيين من أصل آسيوي ومن سكان هاواي الأصليين وسكان جزر المحيط الهادئ (AANHPI) والمسلمين والعرب والسيخ ومن جنوب آسيا (MASSA)
Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
Combating discrimination against AANHPI and MASSA students.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: COVID-related Racism
Source: U.S. Department of Education - Office of Civil Rights

Website link of resource titled: . Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): What Parents Should Know مرض الفيروس التاجي [فيروس كورونا] (كوفيد-19): ما الذي ينبغي أن يعرفه الآباء والأمهات
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): What Parents Should Know
How to protect yourself and your children from COVID-19.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


The resources collected here are intended to provide basic information about COVID-19 to diverse communities. Please use the resources provided with caution. We do not endorse or assume responsibility for any information offered by third-party websites that are linked through this site. We strongly recommend consulting your personal health care providers and local officials for medical advice and guidelines. Due to the rapidly changing development of knowledge and guidelines around COVID-19, we have worked to confirm the origin of the links and resources to the best of our ability, but we know that some information provided may be out-of-date or incomplete. If you have any questions, please contact us at or fill out our feedback form for suggestions.