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COVID-19 コロナウイルス կորոնավիրուս 코로나 바이러스 कोरोनावाइरस


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COVID-19 Vaccine



Kokāāl ilo 2/1 /2021

Etke aorōk n̄an bōk wā in COVID-19 eo?

Wā in enaj jipan̄ bōbrae kwe jen am̧ bōk nan̄inmij in COVID-19. Enaj bareinwōt jipan̄ kōj kōm̧kaj an jako nan̄inmij in.

COVID-19 ej juōn nan̄inmij eo ekauwatata im ekapopo. COVID-19 em̧ōj m̧an elōn̄ļo̧k jen 400,000 ri-Amedka. N̄an kāidi, ilo iien m̧ōļo eo būlu eo ekar m̧an 34,000 ri-Amedka ro ilo 2019. Eļan̄e konaj bōk wā in, konaj jipan̄ kwe kōjparok eok im ro jet jān COVID-19.

Ewi wāween an wā in COVID-19 eo jerbal?

Wā in ej jerbal ilo an jipan̄ ānbwinim̧ jeļā kōn kūj in im ej kōm̧m̧an COVID-19. N̄e ānbwinim̧ enaj jeļā kōn jōkjōkin kūj ņe, innen kūj in bobrae ko ilo ānbwinim̧ rej maroñ jum̧ae kūj ņe.

Bar batok eļapļo̧k. Ewi wāween an wā eo kōjparok kwe jen kūj in?

Ānbwinim̧ enaj make kom̧m̧an protein ko im ņa etaer antibodies. Antibodies kein jerbal eo aer ire ippen jabdewōt kūj nana eo ej deļo̧n̄e ānbwinim̧. Ijoke, antibodies kein rej aikuj jeļā kūj ta eo rej ire ippen. Juōn kūj kāāl emaron̄ deļo̧n̄e ānbwinim̧ im antibodies ko rejjab maron̄ jeļā kake. Eļan̄e menin enaj waļo̧k, kūj in emaron̄ jino kōjorrān ānbwinim̧ mokta jen an ānbwinim̧ jino ire ippen. Wā in enaj kairuj ānbwinim̧ n̄an an kūle kūj ko renana im jino ire ipper, im kōm̧m̧an bwe antibodies ko ren ire ippen. Ejjeļo̧k iaan wā kein ewōr ipper kūj ko remour im kōn menin kojjab aikuj uwōta kōn am̧ bōk COVID-19.

Eļan̄e wā in ekar kōmalim ilo iien eo em̧ōkajtata, ewi wāween an em̧m̧an?

Kajojo wā kāāl ko rej etali n̄an em̧m̧anļo̧k eo im bwe en jejjet an jerbal. Menin em̧ool jān Operation Warp Speed eo im ej kōm̧ōkajļo̧k kakōlkōl ko an wā in. Ijoke, men̄e ekar mōkaj kūtien kakōlkōl ko, wā in ekar kōm̧m̧an ilo jekjek ko rōwāppen im bun̄tōn ko n̄an kōm̧m̧an bwe en em̧m̧an an jerbal.

Etale ko an wā in rekar jerbal ilo jilu m̧wen̄an ko reļļap (Mwen̄an I, Mwen̄an II, Mwen̄an III ialale jān jikin taktō ko). Ilo m̧wen̄an I, taktō ro rej leļo̧k wā eo n̄an ro rej m̧ōņōņō in bōk koņaer. Ialale in ej letok meļeļe ko kōn ewi jon̄an leļo̧k wā eo, im kōļmenļo̧kjen kōn kōjparok eo an wā in. Ilo m̧wen̄an 1, jejjo wōt armij rej bōke kōnke elikkun kāāl. Eļān̄e enaj em̧m̧an wā in, innem enaaj wonmaanlok nan m̧wen̄an II.

Ilo m̧wen̄an II, wā in ej etale ewi jon̄an an em̧m̧an n̄an kōjerbale, im n̄an lale ewōr ke jorrān jene. Eļān̄e wā in ej em̧m̧an im jejjet an jerbal, rej leļo̧k n̄an m̧wen̄an III.

Ilo Mwen̄an III, wā in ej etal n̄an 30,000 armij ro n̄an bōk eļapļo̧k meļeļe ko kōn wā in im lale em̧m̧an ke an jerbal ilo jikin ko otemjej.

Lukkun mool, m̧wen̄an kein jilu rej bōk elōn̄ iiō ko. Kōnke ebōk iien n̄an lukkun lale jāān in jipan̄ ko n̄an etali wā ko, kōm̧m̧an pepa, im lale wōn ej m̧ōņōņō in bōk koņan. Warp Speed ekar jipan̄ kōm̧m̧an bwe etale ko en m̧ōkajļo̧k ilo aer liļo̧k jāān in jipan̄ im kam̧ōkajlok aer kōm̧m̧an pepa. Im kon menin, wā in COVID-19 in em̧ōj an etal jen aolepen m̧wen̄an kein jilu im ej waļo̧k ke em̧m̧an n̄an kōjerbale.

Eļap an lōn̄ ennan ko im myths ko kōn wā in. Ia eo imaron̄ etak n̄ane im bōk meļeļe ko rem̧ool, meļeļe ko rejim̧we?

Ijo em̧m̧antata im meļeļe ko rejim̧wetata ej jikin taktō ak ilo website eo an jikin takto ko an kienn eo an U.S. einwōt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ak juōn state ak jikin taktō ko ilo ijo kwoj ped ie.

Wā eo enaj ke letok n̄an n̄a COVID-19?

Jaab. The FDA jikin kōmalim eo emaron̄ jab lewaj coronavirus eo (ak SARS-CoV2) eo im ej kōm̧m̧an COVID-19.

Wā in enaj ke lewaj men dikdik ko n̄an tulowan ānbwinim̧? Wā in enaj ke kōm̧m̧an an wōtlo̧k lojen kōrā ro ak kōm̧m̧an aer wōran̄e? Enaj ke kōjeļā ki DNA eo aō?

Jaab. Aolep men kein rej myths. Rejjab m̧ool.

Ta ko inaj en̄ajaki ilo aō bōk wā in COVID-19 eo?

The Pfizer im Moderna wā eo emaron̄ kōm̧m̧an nan̄inmij n̄an jet armij. Āindein. En̄jake ko remaron̄ koba:

  • Metak ilo ijo kwoj wā ki, im bareinwōt m̧ajōļ ko im makwoj ko
  • Metak
  • Bwil jidik
  • Metak bar
  • Pio

En̄jake kein reddik, bōtaab jet iien jejkab naaj lukkun jeļā kaki aļkin wā eo kein karuo. Metak kein rej jako ālkin 1-2 raan.

Emaron̄ wōr jidik uwōta ke komaron̄ kadrok e wā in. Eļan̄e ekar wōr men kwoj kodrok e, kōnnan ippen taktō eo am̧ m̧okta jen am̧ bōk wā in.

Eļan̄e ekar wōr aō COVID-19 m̧oktaļo̧k, ij aikuj wōt ke wā?

Aet. Takto ro rej kōketak bwe kwoj bōk wā eo men̄e em̧ōj ekar wōr am̧ COVID-19. Ewōr ennan ko ke jet armij ro im em̧ōj aer nan̄inmij jān COVID-19 im bar nan̄inmij tok ālik jān bar COVID-19.

Ij aikuj ke bōk wā in COVID-19 eo eļan̄e ij bōroro ak kaninnin?

Bōlen. Kiō, wā in ej em̧m̧an n̄an kōrā ro rej bōroro, bōtaab jejjab lukkun jeļā. Ejjab bwe meļeļe ilo ekkatak ko, botaab jemaron̄ jeļā iliju im jekļaj.

Kōnono ippen taktō eo am̧. Ekoba U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) im the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists rej ba ej an kajojo kālet. Komaron̄ etal n̄an website eo aer ñan bōk elab lak meļeļe.

Wā ej ke jerbal n̄an kūj ko rekāāl im rej walok jen kūj in?

Bōlen. Elōn̄ rimāletlet ro rej tōmak bwe wa in COVID-19 eo enaj kōjparok kwe jen oktak dikdik kein. Bōtaab, wā in ebar maron̄ majno jen oktak dikdik ko jet. Jet wā ej aetok aer jerbal, einwōt wā in measles eo. Wā ko jet rej jerbal ilo jidik wōt iien im aikuj n̄an kōkāāl, einwōt wā in būļu eo. Ej m̧ōkaj n̄an jeļā oktak kein jān COVID-19.

Mekarta, eaorōk bwe jen bōk wā eo kiiō. Nan̄inmej in ej ajededļo̧k wōt. N̄e elōn̄ļo̧k armij rej bok wā in, enaj m̧ōkajļo̧k ad maron̄ bōbraik nan̄nmij in.

Ia eo imaron̄ bōk uwaak in kajjitok kein n̄an wā ko jet?

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PDF file of resource titled: . Preparing Together Ippān Doon im Kōpooj Kōj Make
Preparing Together
An infographic with practical tips for preparing for potential situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Hawaii State Department of Health

PDF file of resource titled: . Social Distancing Bed Toone ak Tol̗ok Jen Ro Jet
Social Distancing
An infographic with practical tips for social distancing.
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Hawaii State Department of Health

PDF file of resource titled: . Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones Kōjbarok eok im ro raorōk ippam
Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones
An infographic with practical tips for personal and public protection against COVID-19.
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Hawaii State Department of Health

PDF file of resource titled: . COVID-19 Home Care Guide COVID-19 Wewin Kōjparok Ko ilo imweo
COVID-19 Home Care Guide
An infographic detailing five steps to follow if you feel sick.
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Hawaii State Department of Health

PDF file of resource titled: . No Health Insurance? Need COVID-19 Services? EJELLOK AM INJURAN IN TAKTŌ? KWŌJ KE AIKUJ JIBAÑ KO IKIJEN COVID-19?
No Health Insurance? Need COVID-19 Services?
An informative flyer from the Health Resources and Services Administration about free COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccines available for people without health insurance.
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Hawaii State Department of Health

Website link of resource titled: . Prevaccination Checklist for COVID-19 Vaccines Laajrakin Beba in Lale eo Mokta jen Wā ñan Wā ko an COVID-19
Prevaccination Checklist for COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 vaccination screening questions approved by the CDC.
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Hawaii State Department of Health

PDF file of resource titled: . Vaccines to Help Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic Wa ko nan Jiban bobrae naninmej in COVID-19 eo im ejelet aolepen lalin
Vaccines to Help Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic
A brochure about the COVID-19 vaccine and the importance of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Hawaii State Department of Health

PDF file of resource titled: . DOH Vaccine FAQ – English DOH Vaccine FAQ – Marshallese
DOH Vaccine FAQ – English
A list of frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Hawaii State Department of Health

PDF file of resource titled: . What to do if you are on Quarantine or Self-Isolation (CARE Booklet) Ta kwoj komane elane kwoj quarantine ak bed im make iam kin Covid-19
What to do if you are on Quarantine or Self-Isolation (CARE Booklet)
Quarantine or Self-Isolation Recommendations
[View Marshallese Version]  [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Utah Department of Health

Website link of resource titled: . Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19) COVID-19 (coronavirus kaal) Melele, jiban, jerbal in kein jiban ilo Washington State
Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19)
Steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19
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Topic: Quick Facts
Source: Washington State Department of Health