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In partnership with UCLA's Fielding School of Public Health and support from the Institute of American Cultures

COVID-19 コロナウイルス կորոնավիրուս 코로나 바이러스 कोरोनावाइरस


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إرشادات للوقاية من COVID-19
Guidance for COVID-19 Self Quarantine
Infographic on what to do during self-quaratine.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

No rec re mask

محاربة التمييز ضد الطلاب الأمريكيين الأمريكيين من أصل آسيوي ومن سكان هاواي الأصليين وسكان جزر المحيط الهادئ (AANHPI) والمسلمين والعرب والسيخ ومن جنوب آسيا (MASSA)
Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
Combating discrimination against AANHPI and MASSA students.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

صواب أم خطأ: ما مدى معرفتك بشأن مرض فيروس كورونا (كوفيد-19)؟
Fact or fiction: How much do you know about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)?
Quiz to help people assess how much they know about COVID-19.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

Materials for/to support children

مرض الفيروس التاجي [فيروس كورونا] (كوفيد-19): ما الذي ينبغي أن يعرفه الآباء والأمهات
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): What Parents Should Know
How to protect yourself and your children from COVID-19.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

We need a statement about the use of masks- recommendations vary quite a bit

أفضل الأساليب التي يمكن للأساتذة من خلالها أن يتحدثوا لطلابهم عن فيروس كورونا
Advice for teachers talking about COVID-19 with children.
UNICEF article giving tips for teachers on how to give age appropriate discussions about COVID-19.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

Materials for/to support Children/

طرق يستطيع من خلالها الآباء والأمهات دعم أولادهم مع تفشي داء الكورونا (كوفيد-19)
6 Ways Parents Can Support Their Kids Through the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak
How to help children manage their emotions during COVID-19.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

Materials for/to support children

كيف للمراهقين أن يحافظوا على صحتهم العقلية خلال مرض فيروس الكورونا (كوفيد-19)
How Teenagers can Protect their Mental Health during Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Six strategies for teenagers to cope and protect their mental health during COVID-19.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

Materials for/to support children

نصائح للعامة بشأن فيروس كورونا المستجد (2019-‏nCoV‏): تصحيح المفاهيم المغلوطة‏
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Advice for the Public: Mythbusters
Debunking different myths about COVID-19.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

Addresses myths!

نصائح للجمهور عن فيروس كورونا المستجد (‏‎2019-nCoV‏): كيف ومتى ‏تستعمل الكمامة
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Advice for the Public: When and How to Use Masks
Details on recommended fabric maks materials and composition, and how to make, how to wear, how to care for, and when to wear masks.
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]

How to use mask but also recommends use only in specific situations

ما هو COVID-19؟
COVID-19 for 3-6 Year Olds
Guide to help 3-6 year olds understand important information about COVID-19
[View Arabic | العربية Version]   [View English Version]


The resources collected here are intended to provide basic information about COVID-19 to diverse communities. Please use the resources provided with caution. We do not endorse or assume responsibility for any information offered by third-party websites that are linked through this site. We strongly recommend consulting your personal health care providers and local officials for medical advice and guidelines. Due to the rapidly changing development of knowledge and guidelines around COVID-19, we have worked to confirm the origin of the links and resources to the best of our ability, but we know that some information provided may be out-of-date or incomplete. If you have any questions, please contact us at or fill out our feedback form for suggestions.