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Type Resources: All Type Resources
Infographic with guidance on how to clean and disinfect in the home.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Los Angeles County (CA) Department of Public Health
Guía para el embarazo y la atención posparto
Guidance for Pregnancy and Postpartum Care
Factsheet with guidance on navigating through pregnancy.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Los Angeles County (CA) Department of Public Health
Guía del Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Los Ángeles para el personal del limpieza
Guidance for Custodial Staff
Factsheet with guidance on sanitizing public places for custodial staff.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Los Angeles County (CA) Department of Public Health
Refriado o fripe o COVID-19
Cold vs Flu vs COVID-19
Flyer describing symptoms of cold, flu, and COVID-19
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: Symptoms and Your Health
Source: UCLA Covid-19 Multilingual Project
¿Quiénes son los contagiosos silenciosos de COVID-19?
Who are the silent spreaders of COVID-19?
Flyer describing characteristics of silent spreaders, those who have no or few symptoms but are still infectious.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: Quick Facts
Source: UCLA Covid-19 Multilingual Project
This is not a UCLA COVID-19 Multilingual Hub resource.
Por qué tenemos que continuar a la distancia física
Why We Have to Continue to Physical Distance
Video explaining the importance of social distancing.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: The California Endowment
What Does Flatten the Curve Mean?
Video explaining how social distancing measures can help lessen the load on our hospitals.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: The California Endowment
Please protect one another from COVID-19
One-page factsheet encouraging use of face covering and social distancing.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Seattle & King County (WA) Department of Public Health
¿Cómo funciona el rastreo de contactos?
How does contact tracing work?
One-page factsheet explaining steps of contact tracing and how individuals can do their part to help prevent the spread.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: Los Angeles County (CA) Department of Public Health
¿Qué es el rastreo de contactos?
What is Contact Tracing
Video explaining the importance and purpose of contact tracing, and how to best help our public health workers prevent the spread of COVID-19.
[View Spanish | Español Version] [View English Version]
Topic: How to Be Safe
Source: The California Endowment
The resources collected here are intended to provide basic information about COVID-19 to diverse communities. Please use the resources provided with caution. We do not endorse or assume responsibility for any information offered by third-party websites that are linked through this site. We strongly recommend consulting your personal health care providers and local officials for medical advice and guidelines. Due to the rapidly changing development of knowledge and guidelines around COVID-19, we have worked to confirm the origin of the links and resources to the best of our ability, but we know that some information provided may be out-of-date or incomplete. If you have any questions, please contact us at resources@aasc.ucla.edu or fill out our feedback form for suggestions.